LanguageScreen is so easy and intuitive to use that no training is needed. We always suggest using the practice QR code to provide a run-through before conducting assessments with pupils. Each list of QR codes you generate comes with a Practice QR code. You can use this Practice Session QR code as many times as you need to run through the assessment and practice before assessing any children. Please note that data from a Practice Session is not saved and therefore you should never use the Practice Session QR code when assessing children.
Guidance for using LanguageScreen is available in the 'How To' guide within the app, as well as on our website, both in the FAQ section and
In particular please see these short informational videos on:
Registering pupils for assessment
Getting ready to use
Assessing children
There is additional guidance for users on the NELI online training, available to all registered schools. If you would like to register for this training, please let us know.