The NELI training is made up of three online courses:
- NELI Course 1: Language Fundamentals
- NELI Course 2: Delivering the NELI Intervention
- NELI Course 3: Delivering Part 2 of the NELI Intervention
- NELI Support Hub
The first two of these will take 4 -5 hours (8 – 10 hours in total) and the third short course about two hours. There are no live elements so once you have received your invitation from the FutureLearn platform you can begin when you like and do as much as you can at any time – an hour in one go or just ten minutes; it always picks up where you left off.
The person delivering NELI to pupils (usually a teaching assistant) needs to complete courses 1 and 2 before starting to deliver NELI to the children. The third course needs to be completed before reaching Part 2 of the programme (week 11). Please note that Course 2 gives some tips on how to prepare the NELI resources so you may want to allow time for resource preparation before you begin with NELI.
Class teachers are required to complete Course 1 (4 –5 hours) but have the option to work through all the material if they wish. We recommend NELI leads also complete Course 1.